Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

  • James Carville political fundraising package, DSCC
  • Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee acquisition fundraising package

Political Fundraising

Now that was an adventure! This is not at all like writing for nonprofits.

Marketers have to do what works, and what works in political fundraising (either side of the aisle) is fear and anger.

Few Republican or Democrat political leaders want it that way.

In fact, both sides have insisted on sending out fundraising letters asking people to support them for good things—because s/he will accomplish more, get along with the other side, etc. Those mailings fail miserably, people do not send money.

Whipping up contempt for “the other side” succeeds in politics, including fundraising. And, yes, this is absolutley part of our current-day political problem.

And it’s not for me.

(Though I have to say I was thrilled to ghost write a fundraising letter from, the one-of-a-kind character, James Carville.)