St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center

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Founded in 1939, St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center is dedicated to the humane treatment of animals.

St. Hubert’s operates animal shelters in Madison and North Branch, New Jersey and one of the largest professional dog training and behavior centers in the country.

Animal people LOVE animals! Photos of mistreated pets work!

I get it. I’m a crazy pet person who thinks my Bichon is my child.


However, there’s another element of animal charity fundraising, I learned about the hard way—and I find it fascinating.

There are cat-only people. And bird-only people. And dog-only people. Who exclusively care about cats, or birds or dogs respectively.

Did you know some bird and cat groups hate each other, and try to legislate against each other. They create books, videos, media campaigns, and studies to prove their points:

“Cats kill birds.”
“Ha. Windshields kill more birds than cats.”

There are also groups that care about all animals so much they are vegans who are against wearing leather.

They all have their reasons, and I’m absolutely NOT passing judgment. The world is a better place for all animals because they exist.

Smart animal groups use this info to their example.

For one example, you can take the exact same correspondence—and simply by putting a photo of the prospects favorite animal on it—you can boost response tremendously.