About KP

Harness the power of storytelling and photos to involve your donors and increase fundraising response

What Kristine does best:
Storytelling. Bonding with Donors.

Donors care about people, or animals, or the earth — not organizations. Real, personal, visceral, urgent stories demonstrate the need and solution far better than dry facts and figures.

And if the story makes them cry…even better!

But the real key is: the best fundraising copywriting makes the donor the hero.

As communications guru Jeff Brooks says, “Donors don’t give because you’re awesome. They give because they’re awesome.”

With high-impact storytelling, the donor feels like she is in the field with you. She is the one feeding the child, blocking the bulldozer heading into the rainforest, discovering the cure for cancer.

Tell her those kind of stories and she’ll be bonded to your organization for life!

Marketing Pros Choose Kristine Poggioli
her wide variety of copywriting experience and success

Non-profit, business, advertising, and copywriting web experience:

  • 20 years experience in advertising and direct mail
  • 5 years Senior Copywriter at The Domain Group
  • 1 year Senior Copywriter at Adams Hussey Chapman Cubine
  • B.A., UC Berkeley
  • Film Certificate, University of Washington
  • SEO certified
  • Proficient in all major software

(I’m not just a pretty face with a great wit ☺)

Writing on target, and asking for the order

A good list, offer and plan are essential, as is high-impact storytelling.

But it all has to be targeted.

You tell Kristine who your donor is, what matters to her, what you want to accomplish — her job is to get your donors attention and motivate her to respond.

And you gotta ask ’em. “Respond today.”
[X]Yes! I’ll feed them.
[X] I’m in
[X] Here’s my gift to heal children
[X] Sign me up

Record-breaking results

Writing record-breaking $8 million dollar credit card solicitations in the old days was good for my ego. Now,

  • beating control packages
  • quadrupling newsletter response
  • getting 5:1 ROI on acquisition

— all resulting in more food, justice, and medicine for hurting people, pets and the planet — that’s good for my soul.

Since 1997, Kristine has been thrilled to turn her 
bottom-line business focused copywriting and high-impact storytelling skills toward making money 
for clients who do things that matter. 
Clients like you.

[Let’s do a project together]

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